Safe Hands. Agile Minds

Technical vision.
Like no other

If you’re a specialty lines insurer or broker, engage Integra to handle your claims. Our technical knowledge and adjusting acumen enable us to control losses, accelerate repairs and get your customers operating sooner post-incident.

Eyes on the ground.
From anywhere

Our IRIS remote inspection solution gives our experts visibility of damaged assets sited anywhere in the world, within hours of instruction. Early inspection speeds-up decisions about how losses are managed, investigated and mitigated.

Making the
complex simple

From large portfolios of smaller claims to high-value technical losses, our specialist loss adjusters cut through complexity to deliver the best outcome for all parties.

Safe hands.
Agile minds

Combining decades of insurance claims experience with the latest innovation, our adjusters are the safe choice for insureds, brokers and insurers. We add value to claims handling through loss mitigation and identifying the important detail that others miss.

Integra Risk Services

Risk Engineering,
Expertly Managed

Outsource your risk engineering management to Integra Risk Services for enhanced risk transparency, tighter cost control and expert delivery from start to finish. We save you time, money and admin by facilitating the most effective risk engineering programmes.

Technology focus

We harness the latest tech to fast-track claims from initial inspection through to final settlement. Find out more about our time and cost-saving IRIS inspection technology, satellite and drone surveying, and industry-first Loss Insights Database.