Safe Hands. Agile Minds

Attack Vectors & Advanced Persistent Threats

Integra adjusters are technically qualified to handle losses relating to any network breach or attack, including Advanced Persistent Threats. We identify and assess the tools, techniques and procedures used to penetrate the insured’s network, detail malicious activity and evaluate damage caused. We also analyse the insured’s containment, eradication and recovery strategies to justify their approach and the reasonableness of costs claimed.

Errors & Omissions

Most system outages result from errors and omissions caused by misconfiguration, technical incompatibility, inadequate project requirements, insufficient change controls or equipment failure. Here, our loss adjusters assess how client-centric processes and culture contribute to cause. Betterment may extend way beyond security processes and appliances, so accurate measurement of the system is critical, both pre-error and post-rectification.

Industrial Internet of Things

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is a group of technologies that connects industrial sensors, devices and applications to the Internet to improve control and efficiency across a broad array of process and manufacturing industries.

Managing IIoT claims requires multi-disciplinary expertise as these types of claims are often more difficult and complex. Integra’s cyber loss adjusting team offers a wide spectrum of technical skillsets and includes OT process engineers, IT data experts and IoT specialists.

Claims experience

  • Network Breaches – multiple claims in Australia where Advanced Persistent Threats have been used to target extortion, or the theft of trade secrets. IR and recovery costs claimed range from AU$400,000 through AU$4 million.
  • Errors and OmissionsThe deletion of large volumes of data following a rouge process being accidently introduced into an Australasian technology company’s production environment. AU$1.9 million.
  • Property Damage – Property damage to the New Zealand server centre for an emergency services provider. NZ$5 million.
  • Crimes Policies – cause investigation to determine liability in a related transaction by several US based companies, compromised using look-alike domains. US$650,000.

Meet our experts

Ewan Cresswell