Safe Hands. Agile Minds

Marine Cargo
Marine & Transport

Sectors / Marine & Transport / Marine Cargo

Marine Cargo

As globalisation grows, so does the need to transport goods by sea from country to country. Advances in technology have raised customer expectations for manufacturing and distribution lead times. Today, ships carry a huge range of cargoes, from containerised products, bulk machinery, vehicles and livestock to temperature-controlled pharmaceuticals or foodstuffs, dry bulk materials and bulk liquids. But increased international trade is also exposing shipping to less-developed nations with weaker infrastructures and a higher risk of cargo theft or damage.

Integra loss adjusters are specialists in marine insurance with many years of experience handling claims involving all types of cargo. We understand the risk environment across every stage of the supply chain and, from an insurer’s perspective, how these risks relate to cover provided under the relevant institute clauses. We also provide practical risk management advice to help prevent future marine cargo losses and consequent claims.

Claims experience

  • Infestation damage to trucks/SUVs from USA
  • Temperature damage to multiple consignments of milk powder
  • Light Rail & Sydney/Newcastle Growth Rail Projects inspect discharge of multiple rolling stock discharges (from vessel arrival/discharge/delivery to end receiver)
  • Investigation into contamination of 25,000 tonnes of Sulphuric Acid. Mitigation of loss via sale to third party, adjustment of loss and successful recovery action against ship owners.
  • Singapore. Investigation into high volume delivery losses for insurers of major parcel delivery vendor for online sales delivery from China worldwide.

Meet our experts

Andrew Gibson
Gavin Penneck