Safe Hands. Agile Minds


Sectors / Energy / Oil, Gas & Petrochemical

Oil, Gas & Petrochemical

Oil, gas and petrochemical-related incidents are some of the most complex and potentially significant non-marine claims. Sophisticated production processes and a variety of licensed technologies combined with the inherent risk of hydrocarbons add to the complexity. When incidents occur, the interdependency of processing units and prevalence of vertical integration makes plants  vulnerable to production downtime and business interruption.

Integra has unrivalled in-depth experience of fast-tracking challenging, high-value claims in this sector, including losses exceeding $1 billion. We are well versed in refining petrochemical technologies and next-generation chemical processes and catalysts. This helps us to quickly address technical and operational issues on the ground, streamline the scoping of repairs, and assess business interruption and mitigation options, whether the assets are owned by OPEC governments or multi-national corporations.

Close working relationships with leading consultants in materials analysis, process engineering, linear programming and petro-economics enable us to deliver an integrated, multi-skilled team and engage the insured at every level of their organisation to deliver technically sound, speedy settlements.

Claims experience

  • Refinery Explosions – Russia
  • Petrochemical cooling water system failure, Map Ta Phut, Thailand
  • Petrochemical Facility Explosion – Germany
  • Oman, petrochemical, EAR LEG2/96, USD 490 million
  • Kuwait, ethylene glycol unit, fire, USD 117 million

Meet our experts

Aaron Prefontaine