Safe Hands. Agile Minds


Sectors / Construction & Engineering / Construction


Construction risks include material damage, personal injury and business interruption exposure. Hot works such as welding have the potential to cause fire, while water damage from charged systems and other sources of inundation can result in widespread harm to structures and equipment. The health and safety of personnel and the public is a serious concern for construction companies, with a high risk of injury from trips, slips, falling material, machinery and other on-site activities.

Delay in Start-Up is a developing and sometimes complex product and Integra has been a pioneer of managing claims arising from this important additional coverage, including working with insurers and brokers to modify wordings.

Integra has an established reputation for settling claims in the construction sector, with wide international experience across all aspects of the industry. We consider claims from both technical and contractual viewpoints helping to bring together all stakeholders and find an equitable resolution that works for all parties.

Claims experience

  • CAR loss at Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plant in Morocco
  • Accidental pumping of grout into newly installed stormwater pipes within a new road and bridge junction
  • Water damage to lift under construction, Contract Works & DSU – Adelaide, South Australia
  • Water damage to foundations – 45,000 m², mill and warehouse – Waikato, NZ
  • Kellyville Australia –claims for failures of viaducts and potential DSU

Meet our experts

Alison Hazell
Mark BalI