Safe Hands. Agile Minds

Hull & Machinery
Marine & Transport

Sectors / Marine & Transport / Hull & Machinery

Hull & Machinery

Hull and Machinery claims cover losses sustained to ships’ hulls, propulsion machinery and equipment used for cargo handling. Typical vessels include ocean-going container vessels, passenger ships, tankers, tugs and river barges. Shipping is susceptible to a wide range of incidents, from collisions with jetties, navigation buoys and other vessels to storm damage, capsizing, groundings, fires and explosions.

Integra provides Hull and Machinery insurers with expert resource to respond quickly to a diverse spectrum of losses and manage the interests of all parties concerned. Claims often involve not just insurers and brokers, but also ship owners, charterers, cargo owners, service providers and port or terminal operators. Our team includes master mariners and senior marine engineers able to diagnose engine damage and perform due diligence on the status of maintenance programmes, crew training and other contributory factors.

Claims experience

  • Vessel’s main propulsion gearbox failure while on laden passage in Indian Ocean (attendance at Sri Lanka)
  • Vessel Collision while undergoing ship to ship transfer off Seychelle Islands, resulting in one vessel allegedly requiring to be scrapped at Alang, North-West India.
  • Multiple failures of a Vessel’s Main Engine due to alleged Cat-Fine contamination of Fuel Oil – Singapore
  • Vessel Impact with Offshore Platform – South Pars, Iran
  • Salvage of river dredge and adjustment of total loss claim

Meet our experts

Ewan Cresswell
Denis Speyer